All our meetings are held at the Knights of Columbus, 22 Hillside Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10308. Unless otherwise posted below.
Knights of Columbus
We invite all membership to come and join us. We all deserve it!
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus
We invite all membership to come and join us. We all deserve it!
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus
We invite all membership to come and join us. We all deserve it!
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus
We invite all membership to come and join us. We all deserve it!
Knights of Columbus
It is with great regret and sadness to inform you of the passing of Harry. He was a National NYCPD 10-13 Florida Advisor, Past Vice President of the National NYCPD 10-13 as well as Past President of the Verrazano 10-13 (2003-2005). He was truly an asset to our organizations as well as a valued friend. He will be truly missed by all.
If you would like to make a donation on his behalf you can use the link below or mail a check payable to: NYC Verrazano 10-13 Association and mail it to our PO Box 061725, SI NY 10306
In the memo please write: Henry Morse
May he Rest in Peace!
It is with great regret and sadness to inform you of the passing of Richard Commesso, President of our Verrazano 10-13 Association and dear friend, on the morning of Friday, April 30. Richie was loved and respected by all who knew him. He will be sorely missed.
We extend our condolences and deepest sympathies to his loving wife Irene, his daughters Sue and Debbie and the entire Commesso family.
If you would like to make a donation on his behalf you can use the link below or mail a check payable to: NYC Verrazano 10-13 Association and mail it to our PO Box 061725, SI NY 10306
In the memo please write: Richard Commesso
May GOD bless him and all of us during these very trying times!
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals. Your generous donation will fund our mission!
The NYC Verrazano 10-13 Association, Inc. has been designated a 501 (c) 3 tax exempt organization by the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Donors may deduct contributions as provided in section 170 of the Code. Bequests, legacies, devices, transfers, or gifts for our use are deductible for federal estate and gift tax purpos
The NYC Verrazano 10-13 Association, Inc. has been designated a 501 (c) 3 tax exempt organization by the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Donors may deduct contributions as provided in section 170 of the Code. Bequests, legacies, devices, transfers, or gifts for our use are deductible for federal estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of Code sections 2055, 2106, and 2522.
As a 501(c)3 Tax exempt organization, The NYC Verrazano 10-13 Association does not endorse or campaign for political candidates. However, political candidates are invited to address the membership to discuss issues that impact their lives. We invite candidates from the major political parties as well as others whose name will appear on the ballot in elections to address our members at General Membership meetings.
Throughout our history, our organization has continued to work on behalf of our membership, retired and active alike, and their families, with an emphasis on Health and Welfare matters. We worked side by side with the National NYCPD 10-13 Organization and were instrumental in achieving many legislative landmarks such as: Cost of Living
Throughout our history, our organization has continued to work on behalf of our membership, retired and active alike, and their families, with an emphasis on Health and Welfare matters. We worked side by side with the National NYCPD 10-13 Organization and were instrumental in achieving many legislative landmarks such as: Cost of Living Adjustments in retiree pensions, 100 percent Medicare Reimbursement, and Surviving Spouse Legislation, which allowed a surviving spouse to pick up the COBRA health insurance plan for life, instead of just a 3 year period. Today we continue to support a Health Protection Bill that would permanently protect our health benefits.
Founded, January 4, 2001 by a group of retired Police Officers the intendment of the organization was to foster a comradeship amongst our members, while insuring the protection of benefits previously earned during their active service.
Upon completion of a course in academics and physical training, at the New York City Police Academy,
Founded, January 4, 2001 by a group of retired Police Officers the intendment of the organization was to foster a comradeship amongst our members, while insuring the protection of benefits previously earned during their active service.
Upon completion of a course in academics and physical training, at the New York City Police Academy, members were assigned to various commands throughout the city. All of our members went on to have successful and rewarding careers, and were honorably retired.